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Complete HRA

The Health Risk Assessment is the starting point for your Wellness Journey. It is essential to understand your results, so that they can be used to take action.

Complete the HRA
Completing a HRA can be done in less than 20 minutes. After receiving your login information, simply enter this into the ASA Wellness Well Suite. From there you will see “Start A New Assessment” and be guided through the user-friendly questionnaire. The following video displays the questionnaire process of the HRA, skip to 0:50 to get there directly.

ASA Wellness Journey 

Understand the HRA
Here you can view a Sample HRA. This shows all of the categories and information you will be given on a report. The HRA is broken down into seven sections: Heart, Diabetes, Cancer, Obesity, Nutrition, Fitness, and Mental. Doing Well is marked in Green. Caution is marked in Yellow. Take Action is marked by Red.

Sample Health Risk Assessment

We Are Here For You

As always, please reach out with any additional questions or concerns. We are happy to help!